Percy (R) and Penny (L) are Welsh Terrier siblings and were born on 9 Nov 2020. Percy lives with us in East Sussex and Penny lives with our daughter in East London. With lock downs etc they haven't been able to meet up very often but when they do they pick up where they left off. They were a pair in a litter of four and tended to stick with each other when they were with their mum. Penny is the smaller of the two but super confident and she has no trouble getting the better of Percy in their play fights. We tried for three hours to get a good photo of them but it wasn't easy because they were constantly on move. This photo was a brief interlude in the chaos. The heart hanging in the Passionflower bush between them was a happy accident and we only noticed it when when we looked back at the photo on the phone. Subject to the competition rules, I've entered this competition as Percy's owner with my daughter's (i.e. Penny's owner) consent.