Hia respected club My 1st entry is Bruci he is the most kindest caring sometimes stubborn Springer spaniel he came into are lives 8 & 1/2 years ago the last 2 years bruci has had to overcome 2 horrific accidents he broke his wish bone in his front leg & had to go to the UK for emergency surgery he made a FANTASTIC recovery & all was well until bruci jumped out the car when we took him for a walk consequently then tearing his crucial liagaemt so much pain again & after having suffered enough bruci had another operation which also then went on to become infected again more surgery 3 operations bruci is a very strong & determined beautiful boy who now suffers from severe arthritis but he has the strength of an ox bruci loves nothing more than playing in the beautiful beaches we have in guernsey & his favourite game is catching a tennis ball mark my husband took this amazing photo of bruci catching him in this photo just shows not only has he overcome such injuries but this photo catches bruci the beautiful boy we love so so much this photo shows bruci how we love & know him it's a beautiful photo another minute & it would have been completely lost & a different photo all together. X